🔥 The Battle For Head Honcho: Google and OpenAI

It’s a Messi Monday

It's your host, Mateo! Argentina and their famed star, Lionel Messi, won the World Cup yesterday. It's also Monday so here's another AI In The Middle. Hanukkah kicked off last night! Christmas is in 6 more days, Kwanzaa in only 7, then it’s New Year’s Eve. Let’s jump in…

What do we have for you today?

Google’s playing it cool and says it’s not worried about the new tech making waves (but its ad revenue is declining). We talk about the future of Gen AI laws and regulations (I object!…sorry, force of habit). More generative AI good: what if quality therapy was generative technology?

Google Says, We’ll Leave It To The New Guys 👶

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, and Jeff Dean, Google’s Head of AI, turned a few heads last week basically stating they’ll leave chatbots to the new guys. Google isn’t too worried with ChatGPT or other information/knowledge-sharing generative tech overthrowing search quite yet.

As a well-established tech behemoth, Google maintains stricter roadmapping because of “reputational risks.” Which is fair! Google has +1B users as of writing. The potential for a public version of their LLM generative technology spewing out false or harmful information including obvious biases is a real concern.

Instead, Google says it will focus on other AI initiatives for 2023 — maybe one involves fortifying their ad revenue that’s at risk thanks to ChatGPT’s “more enjoyable search”? Ooh, fight, fight, fight! 🍿

“And how does that make you feel?” 🤔

Among its myriad of applications, Generative AI Therapy could be one the most practical and restorative. Shared by a General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, Vijay Pande, humans crave connection. Our mental wellbeing depends on it. Gen AI in the future could play that role for many and serve as a first touchpoint.

If people don’t mind knowing they’re talking to a machine this can do wonders! Gen AI Therapy breaks down a few barriers that deter people from therapy in the first place: affordability, availability, anonymity, and assurance (you like the alliteration?).

Someone who’s free when you need them, doesn’t charge $250 per hour, and you trust and have confidence in their guidance and style? I’m looking at wedding rings and floor plans right now 😍

The Supreme Court of Generative AI ⚖️

AI regulation will be mandatory. However, we shouldn’t rush into legislation just yet; especially as legislators are notorious for making bad judgments on (and understanding) new tech in the past.

Inspired by my newest AI friend (and popular AI TikTok’er) ✨ Ben Parr ✨ we need to explore AI ethics and human ethics as we build. Rash decisions could backfire. We need to be mindful and equitable as to how we manage generative AI content and also who is given the power to say so. One thing is for sure though: we need legislation around deepfakes—they’ll only get harder to spot.

Generative AI legislation as a subject of law does pose excellent questions though. For instance, if an AI causes harm to another person, group, or entity, would the AI be responsible or the person(s) that created the AI? Philosophical food for thought.

Gen AI Deals that make your eyes (and mouth) water 💰

What caught our eye? 👀

The Bay Area based company creates automated, synthetic training data for your modeling needs. Whether it’s creating a warehouse safety simulation, a walkthrough of a store layout, or even a workout demonstration. Infinity AI allows you to upload a single real-life video of your use case, apply its import visualization tools, and voilà! The output is a variety of synthetic generated possibilities allowing for unique motions, scenes, objects, and more, all properly labeled.

This type of ML capability will accelerate generative products, it’s 10x cheaper and 1000x faster.

New developments to spam your #random Slack channel 💬

Things to learn when you need a raise

We've built a Top 200 Generative AI investors database! Share AI In the Middle (below) to get it! ⬇️

Before you go

A deepfake of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos starring in Star Trek, posted in 2020 by The Fakening on YouTube. Jeff…I think you got something on your head.

Last but not least: from negotiating cheaper bills, to fighting traffic tickets, DoNotPay’s GPT AI bot comes to the rescue yet again! This time in “tag along” mode, helping you get back what it might feel you deserve. Think refunds, subscription cancellations, discounts, and more. Thanks bestie 💖

That's it for today!

Matthew J. Sánchez (@matthewjsanchez)