(A)I’m not lying! It’s my writing

I don’t know about you but January alone has felt like a year in the AI world. We have 11 more months of 2023, what will we see? And for our American readers, it’s Black History Month! On this fine February, what’s inside AI In The Middle?

What do we have for you today?

Gen AI x AI detection: OpenAI wants to help you crack down on AI-generated text. But admittedly needs some more practice. Gen AI x The future of commerce: AI imagines the luxury-streetwear Tiffany’s & Nike collab a little differently. Same goes for media in general. Maybe the customer is always right? #HypebeastGen AI x Physical world: your key to becoming a UFC champion, a master dinner party planner, entertainer, world-traveler, and more.

OpenAI’s “AI Classifier” shoots its shot, but needs a little work on its aim

OpenAI attempts to appease the crowd by launching the AI classifier to detect AI-written text. Yes, like GPT-Zero. OpenAI’s AI classifier is trained to decipher between what’s written by humans versus AI in an effort to mitigate misinformation campaigns, academic dishonesty, and the like.

The problem is it’s pretty off. People are sharing just how wrong and terrible it is. One user used his own book as an example and even fed the classifier Shakespeare’s Macbeth and it claimed it’s “likely AI.” I mean, let’s hear it out though…how do we know Shakespeare didn’t use AI? The dude’s dead. We weren’t there.

To be fair, OpenAI shared within the announcement front-and-center, in bold, at the top, that their AI classifier “is not fully reliable…[and] should not be used as a primary decision-making tool.” But we know many people don’t like to read (but not you, that’s why we love you). People rightfully shared they worry this can have real-world negative impacts like in academia with educators falsely penalizing students for their own work simply because “tHe MaChiNe sAiD sO.”

The (Gen AI) customer is always right

If you’re a hypebeast, sneaker head, or purveyor of fashion, you’re aware of the collab between Tiffany & Co. x Nike. The nouveau riche, American streetwear, statement pieces are set to drop March 7th. But the public’s sentiment in response to the announcement was underwhelming.

What does this have to do with generative AI? Well, Gen AI artists took to Twitter to show off not only the power of Gen AI but also the exuberance and fascinating creative takes they would have loved to see from such a high-profile, heritage collaboration. It’s a signal to brands worldwide to break the mold and get artsy with our new AI tools.

In the era of Gen AI, it also reinforces the notion that in the future customers will want to be the creators of their desires. Exhibit A: the internet’s response to the Nike “Tiffs.” With AI, somewhere down the line customers will want to (and be able to) build their personal experiences. Gen AI, your personal entertainer. The view has been magnified: the future consumer is one who also creates.

The world is your oyster, sample menu, warehouse, now dojo 🥊

Generative AI has made interesting entrances into the physical world. We’ve seen its culinary flare with beers, sake-sushi pairings, even plan out fusion-themed dinner parties. We’re seeing it take on how we explore, travel, and enjoy the world. Now we see it jump in the octagon and flex muscles as an AI MMA trainer.

Founder Labib Yasir introduces us to Kayyo, the AI app letting you train and compete in MMA combining OpenAI’s GPT-3, computer vision, and audio. Compete with friends, work your way to the top of their leaderboards, or sweat it out with the AI-powered audio trainings using prompts.

Fitness, health, and self-care is experiencing great amounts of attention as public interest shifts towards wellbeing and mental care. Kayyo is only one example of AI being used in this particular market segment. I talked about synthetic data and fitness as a primary use case for Infinity AI back in December.

Gen AI Deals that make your eyes (and mouth) water 💰

What caught our eye? 👀The Aussie AI company has Marlee, “the world’s first artificially intelligent coach” specializing in developmental and performance coaching “based on decades of evidence-based research into human development.” Marlee has the ability to unlock, streamline, and enhance soft skills at work. Attributes that are often overlooked yet crucial for extremely high-performance teams.

New developments to spam your #random Slack channel 💬

  • ➕ OpenAI announces “ChatGPT Plus” for only $20/mo (instead of its more expensive brother, ChatGPT Pro)

  • 📄 Free AI resume builders

  • 🍿 Metaphysic AI goes Hollywood and teams up with CAA and Miramax

  • ✈️ Tripnotes: Gen AI meets Travel

  • 💬 Talking to your role models with Delphi 

Things to learn when you need a raise

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Before you go

How meta would this be: A generative AI market map…generator…generated by AI →

Also, the AI artist’s, Lemoon Synthography, imagining of the ultimate Pokémon themed amusement park (Poképark, if you will) called Pokélandia set in retro 1986.

I bid you adieu! Per usual, we appreciate you for reading, for sharing, and for subscribing. Any stories, tips, companies, technologies, or things of this nature you want to share? I’m a Twitter DM away.

— Matthew J. Sánchez (@matthewjsanchez)